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Aloe Vera Health Benefits: 6 Ways To Use Aloe Vera Effectively

Aloe Vera health benefits are numerous

There are over 300 varieties of these plants . It’s a herbaceous perennial that grows like pineapple but without fruit. 

The gelatinous substance inside the glossy leaves is the medicinal essence of the plants. The gel and the liquid are extremely bitter. 

The medicinal value of aloe vera was known before the birth of Christ. Archeological  excavation in Egypt and the Babylonian empire showed that aloe vera medicinal value was known then.

Aloe Vera Health Benefits Medicinal Properties

The active ingredients that give aloe vera its medicinal value include Glycosides, Aloin, Resin, Anthroquinone etc.

Aloe Vera Health Benefits And Medicinal Uses

Antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal.

Due to the active principle, aloe vera is very good for treating wounds. 

The gel and liquid from inside the leaves can be poured liberally on wounds. It promote rapid healing.

It also cleanses the skin of eczema. The gel and the liquid are used to wash the face and allow it to dry on the skin. 

Infections can easily be treated. Using the gel liquid to wash the hair will rid the hair of dandruff and lice because of its great antibiotic power.

Constipation And Indigestion

Constipation can be very dangerous as it weakens the gastrointestinal tract. It predisposes the undigested food to fermentation, putrefaction and decay spewing out dangerous by-products. 

The root can be fermented in water for some days and the product taken before sleep every day. 

A shot in a tumbler is good every night before sleep, until the constipation goes away.

General Health

The gel dissolved in water and taken as tonic daily will promote general wellbeing, including regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure.


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